Network Pilot Projects
In order to operationalize the Marathon of Hope Cancer Centres Network, the Terry Fox Research Institute and the Terry Fox Foundation have been working with research and funding partners across Canada to co-invest in pilot projects that are focused on determining how precision medicine can best be implemented.
These projects are serving as a proof of concept for the network, enabling us to co-create the methods, procedures and infrastructure needed to seamlessly share, store and analyze Big Data derived from cancer patients. By leveraging regional strengths to bring improved treatments and therapeutics to all patients, our pilot projects are establishing a strong foundation for us to build the Marathon of Hope Cancer Centres Network.
The Terry Fox Comprehensive Cancer Centre Network (TF4CN) - BC and ON
Research Partners: BC Cancer and the Princess Margaret Cancer Centre
Duration: 2017-2020
Launched in April of 2017, this pilot project brought together world-renowned researchers working at BC Cancer and the Princess Margaret Cancer Centre with the goal of harmonizing their research and creating the methods, procedures and infrastructure needed to seamlessly share, store and analyze Big Data.
Montreal Cancer Consortium (MCC) - Québec
Research Partners: Goodman Cancer Research Centre, Centre de recherche du Centre hospitalier de l'Université de Montréal, Centre de Recherche Hôpital Maisonneuve-Rosemont, Institute for Research in Immunology and Cancer, Jewish General Hospital, McGill University, the Université de Montréal, Génome Québec Innovation Centre, and the Research Institute of the McGill University Health Centre
Duration: 2018-2020
Launched in June 2018, the multi-institutional Montreal Cancer Consortium (MCC) brought together leading researchers, cancer centres and hospitals in Montreal to generate new advances in personalized and precision medicine and improve treatments for 18,000 annual cancer patients.
Prairies Cancer Research Consortium (PCRC) - AB, SK, MB
Atlantic Cancer Consortium (ACC) - NL, NB, NS
Research Partners: Dalhousie University, Nova Scotia Health - QEII Health Sciences Centre, Dr. Georges-L.-Dumont University Hospital Centre, Vitalité Health Network, Saint John Regional Hospital, Horizon Health Network, Atlantic Cancer Research Institute, Memorial University of Newfoundland, Eastern Health
Duration: 2021-
Launched in January 2021, the Atlantic Cancer Consortium (ACC) will harness the power and productivity of our leading Atlantic cancer research community to improve cancer diagnoses, predict how different people will respond to treatments, and deliver more personalized and effective treatments for cancer patients.