Jeroen Roose

External Scientific Advisory Committee (ESAC) External Scientific Advisory Committee (ESAC), co-chair
  • Professor and Vice Chair of the department of Anatomy, Co-founder of the UCSF Bakar ImmunoX Initiative, Co-Lead of the UCSF AutoImmunoProfiler Initiative, Co-Lead of the Mark Foundation UCSF Endeavor Program on Metastatic Cancer. University of California, San Francisco

Dr. Roose obtained his PhD in The Netherlands where he investigated Wnt signaling and cancer in the lab of Breakthrough Prize in Life Sciences recipient Dr. Hans Clevers. He subsequently studied Ras signaling in lymphocytes in the lab of HHMI investigator Dr. Arthur Weiss at UCSF. The Roose lab (since 2007) and the Roose Organoid disease-2-biology unit (since 2018) focus on understanding cell fitness and cell fate decisions driven by cell-cell interactions and signaling pathways, in the context of stem cell biology, cancer, and autoimmune diseases. By taking a collaborative approach working with biophysicists, engineers, geneticists, and many clinicians, our team spans the gamut from fundamental to pre-clinical science. Dr. Roose is the recipient of multiple grants and awards including support from the NIH, foundations, philanthropy, and industry. Dr. Roose is a tenured Professor and Vice Chair of Anatomy and currently fulfilling various leadership positions; he is a co-founder of UCSF's Bakar ImmunoX Immunology Program, co-lead on UCSF’s AutoIPI (AutoImmunoProfiler Initiative) funded by a Pharma consortium, co-lead on the UCSF Endeavor program funded by the Mark Foundation for Cancer research, and Lead-PI on a P01 Program grant in its third cycle funded by NIAID, NIH. He is a Faculty Board member of IgEquity, promoting women researchers at UCSF and an ImmunoX faculty leadership member for ImmunoDiverse, improving DEI at UCSF. Dr. Roose functioned as advisor for the Mark Foundation for Cancer Research in its first 6 years of operation.