Québec-based researchers present at MOHCCN Seminar Series

Québec-based researchers from the Marathon of Hope - Québec node presented as part of the third event in the Marathon of Hope Cancer Centres Network Seminar Series. 

The speakers were:

  • Natasha Szuber, MD M.Sc. FRCPC “Advances in myeloproliferative neoplasms”
  • Sonia del Rincón, PhD “Targeting MNK1/2 in cancer: What have we learned and where are we going?”
  • Yacine Bareche, PhD “Leveraging big data of immune checkpoint blockade response identifies novel potential targets"
  • Ian Watson, PhD “The spatial immune landscape of melanoma”

Watch the full presentation, here:



This series features virtual talks from MOHCCN research partner investigators and trainees. These seminars will be of interest primarily to cancer researchers, clinicians and trainees across the country.